Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dear all!

Today I´m going to talk about the presentation to I showed to the English class. The topic to I chose is: Alternative cares for children to have been violated in their rigths. I chose that topic because there are very much children to have lived this type of situation, so we, like mental health professionals, need to  know how affect to the children each one of the actions to we could take about that.

I believe to the organization of my presentation was good, but this would have been better if I had spoken more about the community alternative. I will have present this point  the next time.

For other side, If I could did it again, I would try to be more relaxed, because I felt nerves and this affect to the fluency of my presentation, also because I forget some ideas to was important, this a recurrent problem in me.

Personally I believe to the  most interesting part of my expose was on the new perspective to given the community psychology, because isn`t common to the people thinks to the children in  a situation of violation must remain in their original environment, in general, the people think to is better remove to the infant to other place. I think to this also was the most interesting for my partners.

Well, this is all for today I`m tired, so I want to get to my house.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Good evening my friends!

I have  come back! Today I`m going to talk about my career. I`m study psychology at the University of chile, because I think to that is a beautiful and very interesting field of knowledge and practice, because talk about weself.

The psychology have a big field of action, therefore a professionals can work  in differents places accomplish differents role, but always traying to practice a work in function of the particulars need of the people, considering their context , avoid act of a standar way. Of this way, the psychologist contribute to society finishing with ideas standardisation and helping to the people to understand of other way their problems, because the most of them are products of socials problems.

 In consideration of that the professional of this area must know the reality in wich is inside your activity, also need development abilities for translate the difficult cience`s language   to word to all the  people can understand. According that at the universities could implement more activities to connect to the students with the reality.

I haven`t a  favourite subject , because I like very much topics of the psychology, but I can say to I`like especially the subjects relationed with the community psychology, because in my opinion the work to realiced it is very  and find to empowered to the differents communitys for in the future they can put solution to their  problems.
Well, I hope to you then of read that wish to search more information about psychology.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hello dear friends!!

Today is a raining day, for this reason I am in my house listening music, so I said: I going to tell to my dears blogger about my fauvorite song. That is I remember by Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan. They are two british artists. To be honest, I don´t like the  music writteng in english language, because the most of time I don´t understand what others are saying.

The first time that I heard this song was around four years ago, when I visited to my cousin. She was making a task for the university while background listening a song (of this same singer), then I asked to her what was this music, She answered me that Damien Rice was the author of this song and the girl with him was Lisa Hannigan, his girlfriend; also she said me that the most of their creations trying on their personal experiences, so I asked her if she could show me the video, she did it. Then I saw the way of he interpreted, I thought that he sang whit great passion, for this reason I like this song, also because the cello at the second part of the song sounds very good.

Here is the link! with spanish subtitles in the case of you don´t like the english music