Hi dear friends!
What do you think about my blog? Today I
want to talk you about that since my experience. For be honest I don´t like very much use web sites, for
this reason I started to write in this site only because at the university, one teacher paid
to me this, specifically my English´s teacher. She said to this activity will
help us to progress in the use of that language. Really I believe to that is true,
the blog was a good learning tool, but only for the case of the writing,
because I could remember many things about how put order to the sentences to I
produced, how conjugate the verbs in different time, etc. also write here help
to me to be more fast when I must think, write, read, and understand English.
However this activity didn´t contribute me to get better understanding to I listen in English,
The best about my blogging experience was to I used
the class time for do my post, that was positive; but the worst was to have to
be in front the computer a long time, I don´t like it, because I feel bad: I start to have headache, backache, etc. That was negative.
Well, maybe this was the last time to I write here, so
I wish to you be very good.