Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hello bloggers!

I am very tired, but even so I will write. Today I want to tell you the story of a very important photograph for me, You can see it here, down. In the image I appear whit my little sister Dámaris and my best friend Nicolás. They are very specials persons for me, I love them because, they always stand with me althougth happen anything, for this reason I like this picture, also because I think that it have different and wonderful colours and we didn´t appear so bad (90)

 Miguel, other friend, took this  photograph in a square near to my house, you can see that we were very happy, Do you see the smile of my sister??!! and the face of Nicolas?? He wad to stifle a laugh!! We were in that place telling ours personals experiences, because we were not met all together since many time ago, it was very funny!! we were able to stop to laugh! Nevertheless I think that is unfair that I speak only about the persons that pose in the I going to say that my friend Miguel, He wished pose with us, but we can´t programme the photo camera for these, so we made a conspiracy for left him in the care of portray us jaja,

I never forget that day! :)

What do you think about this  photograph?? Can you tell me about yours picture when yours dears people??

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hello Again friends!!

In this occasion I want to share whit you a ambitions that I had since child. This ambition is be a dancer. When I was a little girl I always watched films about very good dancers with my mother, for example: Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, etc. I dreamed with get to be how this actress. 

Nevertheless, in that time I can´t take dance class, because they are very expensive, but in the school   always  took  workshops of flocklore, latin dance, etc. 

My luck  changed when I found a small dance academy very cheap in Santiago. Participate in this activities was one of the more wonderful experiences of my life! I confirmed to dance is a passion for me. Nevertheless, I was very older for think in make a career in this field, because my body was not flexible in comparison when I was child; but  that was not impediment for continue dreaming with achieve this ambitions.

I would like  manage my dream, because I love the dance and it make me feel very good physically and mentally :) Achieve be a dancer  would mean for me a great happiness and the satisfaction of know that I was persistent

I hope that you also  fight for your dreams!! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hello friends!

Today I visited the blog of my english teacher, there she speak about the website to interesting to her; it is  for that reason that I decided to write about this topic.

First, I must say to I don`t like the internet, because is complicated for me use the computer the same as all related to it. Nevertheless I can`t deny to it is  very useful.

One of the website most visited for me is The first time I listen to speak about this page  was in the school, all my classmate was creating their profiles. Sincerity to the start I didn´t want to open a account, because I didn´t think to facebook was entertaining and even I think it, but  today -around five years   after that (school)- practically is not a decision use it, is a necessity, because is a very popular website and many people use it how way of communication. Considering the previous situation I had to create a account; my cousin help me to make it.

At present I visit facebook each day for check my notifications and know if something have make public any important information, also I talk with my friends and write about my mood, publish pictures, etc.

I hope to talk me their experiences with facebook


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hello everyvary!!

I`m Tamar, I course fourth grade of psychology at Chile`s University. The psychology is a field to like me very much.
I had lived in San Bernardo all my life, although many people think to its a dangerous place, I can to say to its a nice commune, I love it. (42)

Finally, I must say  that for me this class is a big problem, because I don`t like the english language, but I will tray to give the best of me for pass to four level (78)