Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hello Again friends!!

In this occasion I want to share whit you a ambitions that I had since child. This ambition is be a dancer. When I was a little girl I always watched films about very good dancers with my mother, for example: Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, etc. I dreamed with get to be how this actress. 

Nevertheless, in that time I can´t take dance class, because they are very expensive, but in the school   always  took  workshops of flocklore, latin dance, etc. 

My luck  changed when I found a small dance academy very cheap in Santiago. Participate in this activities was one of the more wonderful experiences of my life! I confirmed to dance is a passion for me. Nevertheless, I was very older for think in make a career in this field, because my body was not flexible in comparison when I was child; but  that was not impediment for continue dreaming with achieve this ambitions.

I would like  manage my dream, because I love the dance and it make me feel very good physically and mentally :) Achieve be a dancer  would mean for me a great happiness and the satisfaction of know that I was persistent

I hope that you also  fight for your dreams!! 


  1. Tamar! my ambition too, as well is be a dancer. i remember the conversation the other day =)

  2. Tamar, you are still very young. Remember "where there is a will, there is a way" :)
