Friday, July 12, 2013

 Hello again guys!

In this opportunity I want to dedicate some time to talk to you about a very important person in my life: Nicolás. He is my best friend, I know  him since childhood, but we didn´t consider much until around five years ago, when I began to give him math classes. For be honest, we haven´t very much things in common, with exception that we like converse on various topics, from the most trivial to other deeper,  this make it so much funny to share with him, because we always can speak about different topics considering different points of view and is precisely this that makes special our friendship, namely the fact that we accept us and want us with our differences
Nicolás and me to do many activities together, because we live very close, so we can share almost all our daily activities, for example: cook,  do the cleaning in our houses, watch TV, movies, exercise, sleep, we go together to the doctor when one is sick, also we have vacationed together, etc.

Nicolás has been a very good friend for me, he never failed me in significant asunts, there are always times when people bother, we also, but we have never failed

We have very much experiences together, but the most important for me is...all them!! simply I can´t choose a more special moment, because all times have something beautiful when you be with a person to you love :)


  1. Hi Tamar,
    You have a very good friendship =)
    I'm happy for you.
    Always is good to have a faithful companion.

  2. Hi, as i read, you have a nice friendship. Isn't easy found a person that share many nice experiences with you, but when you found it is cool :)

  3. hi!!
    Is very difficult choose one memories with a friend, but Is more hard choose a best friend.


  4. Have men friends is great! I'm happy for you :)

  5. Beautiful words, you are right...all time with our friends have something, something special.
